Incident: Mother and son, after visiting the Buddhist Temple, are on their way home. Darling son is crying and making a fuss demanding to buy a toy from a roadside toy stall. The mother scolds the son for wanting everything he sees and since there is no reason to buy an unnecessary toy, she refuses to buy.
1. In the midst of the crowd, suddenly see a child pulling his mother’s hand crying and making a fuss…

2. Mother: “You buy so many useless things to do what? At home there is a large pile I never see you play…”
Son: “I just want it, buy it for me!”

3. Mother: “Only liking these meaningless things, I will not buy it!”
Son: “Wu…even if refuse to buy, you must buy…wu…”

4. The son slapped the mother and then asked again: “Are you going to buy it or not?”
The mother was speechless…

5. Angry, the mother wanted to leave, but the son quickly pulled her. His voice softened but he continued to harass her.
The people around could only smile nervously.

6. The son suddenly used all his strength to pull at his mother’s hair to force his mother to give in.
The mother was speechless, the crowd was speechless, I was speechless.
(“Darling son, hurry and let go! So many people, give me some face okay?”)

7. Son: “Wu…I want, you will not buy it for me, I like it this much yet you will not buy it for me…wu…”
Mother: “Hurry and let go, it hurts…”
(Just what kind of toy is so fun? Incomprehensible.)

8. Son: “Such a cheap thing yet you will not buy for me, my schoolmates all have it, I want it…”
Mother: “I already bought a small chicken [toy] for you, you simply…” (did not hear clearly)
(“I will also pull your hair, ai ya! Had I known earlier, I would not have brought you to get such a short haircut yesterday…”)

9. Some company’s promotional girl came to break up the fight saying: “Little friend, what do you want? I will go buy it for you, okay?”
Son: “I only want my mother to buy! You get lost!!!”
Her face full of embarrassment, the pretty girl walked away.
(“You get lost” was something everyone heard very clearly.)

10. The son went crazy, reached out and grabbed his mother’s throat.
In the middle of the tussle…

11. Ai you! My god…
The mother’s face is bright red from being suffocated…

12. The mother being strangled.

13. [The son] let go and continued pushing [the mother] toward buying the toy…

14. In the middle of the struggle…

16. Again he grabbed the hair.
The son went mad: “Will you buy or not??”
Mother: “Again, it hurts so much, hurry and let go, I will buy it! I will buy it, okay…”

After giving in to her son, the mother and son walked to the toy stall.

Source :
the son really has bad behave, dont know from where his learn act like that, maybe from movie on TV or his parents behave are also like tht...
BalasHapusbasic rebellious child can not return the favor ....
BalasHapusreturn you to hell
it was parent abuse in the public
BalasHapusso bad...
suatu hari bisa jadi pembunuh tuh kalau ngak di benerin tingkah lakunya
BalasHapusgila tuh anak....
BalasHapusevil seed
BalasHapuswadoh...klo anak gw dipelototin aja udh salut sm emaknya sabarrrrrrr..buuuuu..
BalasHapusMaafin aku mama..............
BalasHapusnomor dua diatas gw,, woy bangsat lo!! lo tu anjing apa monyet!! liat wanita dianiaya lo bilang salut!! otak lo dimana tai, ato jangan2 lo kakaknya bocah goblok itu yak????????????
BalasHapus@atas w....perasaan maksudnya si anonim bilang salut buat emaknya dehhh....emaknya udah sabar gtu ngadepin bocahnya yg gile.......
BalasHapusnomor dua diatas gw,, woy bangsat lo!! lo tu anjing apa monyet!! liat wanita dianiaya lo bilang salut!! otak lo dimana tai, ato jangan2 lo kakaknya bocah goblok itu yak????????????
BalasHapusNgomongnya di pikir dulu toLoL jangan asal nyabLak, Baca tuh koment anonim di atas gw
aduh,,,ibunya sabar banget,,,anaknya harus dibenerin tuch sikapnya bisa2 ntar kalo ibunya udah tua malah disiksa....
BalasHapusanak kurang ajar...neraka jahanam menantimu nak...
BalasHapustobat nak...tobat...
BalasHapusoh, god..
BalasHapusshe did anything just for the sake of her imp...
Kalo "The Nany" itu bisa nggak merubah sifat sia anak tuh....
BalasHapuskalau gua punya nak kayak gitu, gua matiin ato gua buang tu anak, dasar anak malin kundang
BalasHapusif i were his mom, i wouldn't be that weak.
BalasHapusGue masukin asrama ato pondok sekalian terus gedenya jadiin tentara sekalian biar mantep tuh rasain susahnya cari duit.
amit2 jabang bayi punya anak kayak begitu...
wooo, jangan harap anak gw bisa aniaya gw nanti..
BalasHapusharus dimasukkin pesantren biar tau aqidah akhlak..