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A popular and beautiful Japanese model, Kayo Satoh (also known as Kayo Police), has confessed on TV that she is in fact a man.
In addition to working as a fashion model and occasional cosplayer (seen above coplaying Bayonetta with the developers), 22-year-old Kayo is the assistant presenter on a Nico videogame show, and is also known as a talented Street Fighter IV player.
He reports moving away from his hometown to prevent anyone from recognising him, and then living as a woman under a new name. He was spotted by a modelling agency and offered work – apparently no one suspected. Internet rumours about his true gender eventually prompted him to “come out.”
Kayo claims he has had no plastic surgery – aside from natural prettiness, it seems much of “her” success is down to very skilful application of makeup.
Time will tell whether his modelling career will survive the revelation – considering the current “otoko no ko” boom is in full swing, he can probably expect his popularity amongst male fans to harden in more ways than one…
In addition to working as a fashion model and occasional cosplayer (seen above coplaying Bayonetta with the developers), 22-year-old Kayo is the assistant presenter on a Nico videogame show, and is also known as a talented Street Fighter IV player.
He reports moving away from his hometown to prevent anyone from recognising him, and then living as a woman under a new name. He was spotted by a modelling agency and offered work – apparently no one suspected. Internet rumours about his true gender eventually prompted him to “come out.”
Kayo claims he has had no plastic surgery – aside from natural prettiness, it seems much of “her” success is down to very skilful application of makeup.
Time will tell whether his modelling career will survive the revelation – considering the current “otoko no ko” boom is in full swing, he can probably expect his popularity amongst male fans to harden in more ways than one…
Spoiler for terjemahan:
Seorang model Jepang yang cantik dan populer, Kayo Satoh (juga dikenal sebagai Polisi Kayoh), telah mengaku di TV bahwa dia sesungguhnya adalah laki-laki.Selain bekerja sebagai model fashion dan sesekali sebagai cosplayer, Kayo, 22 tahun, adalah asisten presenter pada acara videogame Nico, dan juga dikenal sebagai pemain Street Fighter IV yang berbakat.
Dia mengatakan pergi dari kampung halamannya untuk mencegah orang mengenali dia, dan kemudian hidup sebagai seorang wanita dengan nama baru.
Dia ditemukan oleh seorang agen model dan menawarkan pekerjaan - tampaknya tidak ada yang mencurigai. Rumor dari internet tentang jenis kelamin dia yang sebenarnya yang akhirnya mendorong dia untuk "keluar".
Sumber : http://www.slowbos.com/showthread.php?46497-KAYO-SATOH-.Model-Pria-Dewasa-Jepang-yang-Menggegerkan-Dunia!!aAda-Apa-Ya.-CEKIDOT
BalasHapusmasih melototin fotonya sampai akhirnya keselek setelah baca 'telah mengaku di TV bahwa dia sesungguhnya adalah laki-laki'
BalasHapushahaha...ngakak baca komennya atas gw...
BalasHapuskalo jd cowok ganteng kayaknya tuh orang
BalasHapusfoto terakhir paling atas sebelah kanan, macho banget!
BalasHapusya amplop... sia2 konak gw!
BalasHapusgagal,, jd takut gw mu ngedeketin jga
BalasHapushaha, cowok ternyata..
BalasHapusaa cma bsa belakang doang dong..
BalasHapusmasih kalah cantik ma c kyoshi sakurazuka...
BalasHapuscekidot dech d artikel sblum ny
Hahay ketipu deh.....nice blog...
BalasHapussalam kenal yah!!!
udah siap siap mau ngocok....
BalasHapusga jadi dech...
pantesan kutilang dara pos = kurus kering trus dada tempos
BalasHapusngakak aja deh bos...
baru tebaca habis lihat komen2nya.....
yang pasti salah casing tuh....
so beautiful :*
BalasHapusandai aku punya pacar seperti itu ;D hhi