More than 134 countries across the world, including the UK, are switching off their lights for an hour today to support action to create a sustainable future for the planet.
Environment charity WWF has organised the Earth Hour event which will see iconic buildings such as Big Ben, the BT Tower, Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, Edinburgh Castle, Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol, Stormont in Northern Ireland and Cardiff's Millennium Centre blacking out for an hour.
The event, which takes place at 8.30pm local time around the world, started in Fiji, New Zealand and Australia.
Environment charity WWF has organised the Earth Hour event which will see iconic buildings such as Big Ben, the BT Tower, Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, Edinburgh Castle, Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol, Stormont in Northern Ireland and Cardiff's Millennium Centre blacking out for an hour.
The event, which takes place at 8.30pm local time around the world, started in Fiji, New Zealand and Australia.

This picture shows the Welcome Statue fountain in Jakarta, Indonesia before and during the switch off

This picture shows the Welcome Statue fountain in Jakarta, Indonesia before and during the switch off
Spoiler for perancis, paris::

Spoiler for yunani, athena:

Spoiler for australia, sydney:

Spoiler for Athens,Greece:

Spoiler for Beijing,China:

Spoiler for Berlin,Germany:

Spoiler for Budapest,Hungary:

Spoiler for Ningbo,China:

Spoiler for Rome,Italy:

Spoiler for Sydney,Australia:

Spoiler for Taipei,Taiwan:

Spoiler for bejing, china:
buset ! Cina, Hongkong ,, paling meriah lampunya yah ???? _ Negara maju emang deh nyedot listrik banyak !! Gedung" tinggi , pusat perbelanjaan besar", hotel mewah, lampu banyak, AC dimana"... Gemana ga sesak nih bumi !!
pengennya ....tuh gedung tukar ajah ama pohon"....Percuma 'earth hour' tp ga di dukung sama lingkungan bumi yang sebenarnya... Kita harus tanam pohon lebih banyak lagi !
remang2 merangsang !
BalasHapusasik nih di cina kayaknya banyak tempat yang malam jg masih terang. termasuk shanghai, dan kota besar di cina.
BalasHapusbuat ausie masih banyak jg tempat yang terang.