Well, finally. Thank you targetmap.com, a website with customized data maps, for a long overdue look at penis size around the world.
But before you get all excited, let me just tell you that Asia does not fare exceedingly well.
According to this interactive map, all of the world's least well-endowed countries are located there, with South Korea bringing up the rear at 3.8 inches.
India and Thailand and Cambodia go head to head (to head), each coming in at a solid 4 inches.
China's little soldiers, ranking 4.3 inches on average, are a good match for the average Japanese Capt. Winkie (also 4.3).
But the real weenies seem to be in the Congo (7.1 inches), with Ecuador not far behind (6.9 inches).
And in case you're still unsure of which country you'd like to visit next, get a load of this:
Another map that attempts to correlate penis size with IQ — two things that, in the case of China and Africa, appear to be inversely correlated. Titillating.
BalasHapusorang di atas gak ngerti bahasa inggris jadi kayak gitu tuh komennya! norak banget anak siapa si loe?
BalasHapusBTW orang ambon pun (yg terkenal itu big)dapet warna merah...gak kebayang Congo! wewwww...bisa sakit typus gw malem pertama!
Penis Mat Indon rata rata dibawah 6cm.
BalasHapusHanya yang sedikit panjang punyanya Pak Babe 8cm.
penis mat Malon 1 cm,, sperti cabe rawit,,, bengkok lg bentuknya
BalasHapusBukan cabe rawit bro,tapi tusuk gigi..
BalasHapusBhahahahhaaa,sumpah maaf yah, saya ngakak mode on liat comment anonim 3, 4 dan 5 yg lg debat ukuran P..
BalasHapuspiss ah :D
tak guna ! penis panjang tapi apa lacur tak mau ereksi...
BalasHapustak ada rasa ! penis mini 1 centi dan tak ereksi pula..
#3, #4, #5 macam maho malon saja !
malon penisnya 2 cm kalo bengkak..
Gw setuju ama anonim 4&5, udah kecil impoten pula... pantas aja g punya kemaluan sich..eh malu....
BalasHapusmat malon kan ga punya penis gan, itukan cuma daging jadi yang gada Fungsinya, semacam kutil bawaan...malon guoblok
BalasHapusI like This....
Cew di atas katanya di suka di entot Abang Malaysia. Betul betul betul!