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A member of the traditional Baduy (or Badui) tribe sits at their home in the hilly forest area of the Kendeng mountains on Feb. 7, in Banten, Indonesia. Getty Images / Ulet Ifansasti
The Baduy (or Badui), who call themselves Kanekes, are a traditional community living in the western part of the Indonesian province of Banten, near Rangkasbitung. Their population of between 5,000 and 8,000 is centered in the Kendeng mountains at an elevation of 300-500 meters above sea level. Their homeland in Banten, Java is contained in just 50 sq. kilometers of hilly forest area 120 km from Jakarta, Indonesia's capital.The word Baduy may come from the term "Bedouin", although other sources claim the source is a name of a local river. The Baduy observe many mystical taboos. They are forbidden to kill, steal, lie, commit adultery, get drunk, eat food at night, take any form of conveyance, wear flowers or perfumes, accept gold or silver, touch money, or cut their hair. Other taboos relate to defending Baduy lands against invasion: they may not grow sawah (wet rice), use fertilizers, raise cash crops, use modern tools for working ladang soil, or keep large domestic animals.Wikipedia
A member of the traditional Baduy (or Badui) looks on in their village in the hilly forest area of the Kendeng mountains on Feb. 7, in Banten, Indonesia. The traditional community consists of around 5000-8000 people spread acorss a hilly area of just 50 square kilometres. The religion of the Baduy people, known as Agama Sunda Wiwitan, combines elements of Hinduism, Buddhism and traditional beliefs, including various taboos such as not eating food at night, touching money, accepting gold or silver or even cutting their hair. Getty Images / Ulet Ifansasti
A member of the traditional Baduy (or Badui) tribe cooks rice at their home in the hilly forest area of the Kendeng mountains on Feb. 7, in Banten, Indonesia. Getty Images / Ulet Ifansasti
A woman of the traditional Baduy (or Badui) tribe weaves cloth at their home in the hilly forest area of the Kendeng mountains on Feb. 7, in Banten, Indonesia. Getty Images / Ulet Ifansasti
A women of the traditional Baduy (or Badui) tribe weaves cloth at their home in the hilly forest area of the Kendeng mountains on Feb. 7, in Banten, Indonesia. Getty Images / Ulet Ifansasti
A member of the traditional Baduy (or Badui) tribe weaves cloth at their home in the hilly forest area of the Kendeng mountains on Feb. 7, in Banten, Indonesia. Getty Images / Ulet Ifansasti
A general view of houses of the traditional Baduy (or Badui) tribe in the hilly forest area of the Kendeng mountains on Feb. 7, in Banten, Indonesia. Getty Images / Ulet Ifansasti
A member of the traditional Baduy (or Badui) tribe carries banana to sell at their village in the hilly forest area of the Kendeng mountains on Feb. 7, in Banten, Indonesia. Getty Images / Ulet Ifansasti
A man of the traditional Baduy (or Badui) tribe puts on a head dress at his village in the hilly forest area of the Kendeng mountains on Feb. 7, in Banten, Indonesia. Getty Images / Ulet Ifansasti
A member of the traditional Baduy (or Badui) tribe prepares to carry wood from the river to sell at their village in the hilly forest area of the Kendeng mountains on Feb. 7, in Banten, Indonesia. Getty Images / Ulet Ifansasti
A member of the traditional Baduy (or Badui) tribe carries the wood from the river to sell at their village in the hilly forest area of the Kendeng mountains on Feb. 7, in Banten, Indonesia. Getty Images / Ulet Ifansasti
Members of the traditional Baduy (or Badui) tribe prepare to carry wood from the river to sell at their village in the hilly forest area of the Kendeng mountains on Feb. 7, in Banten, Indonesia. Getty Images / Ulet Ifansasti
A member of the traditional Baduy (or Badui) strips bark from wood in the river for them to sell at their village in the hilly forest area of the Kendeng mountains on Feb. 7, in Banten, Indonesia. Getty Images / Ulet Ifansasti
A general view of houses of the traditional Baduy (or Badui) tribe in the hilly forest area of the Kendeng mountains on Feb. 7, in Banten, Indonesia. Getty Images / Ulet Ifansasti
Two children of the traditional Baduy (or Badui) tribe carry firewood at their village in the hilly forest area of the Kendeng mountains on Feb. 7, in Banten, Indonesia. Getty Images / Ulet Ifansasti
A man of the traditional Baduy (or Badui) tribe puts on a head dress at home in the hilly forest area of the Kendeng mountains on Feb. 7, in Banten, Indonesia. Getty Images / Ulet Ifansasti
A member of the traditional Baduy (or Badui) tribe walks on the bamboo bridge in the village in the hilly forest area of the Kendeng mountains on Feb. 7, in Banten, Indonesia. Getty Images / Ulet Ifansasti
A member of the traditional Baduy (or Badui) tribe walks in the village in the hilly forest area of the Kendeng mountains on Feb. 7, in Banten, Indonesia. Getty Images / Ulet Ifansasti
A member of the traditional Baduy (or Badui) tribe walks in the village in the hilly forest area of the Kendeng mountains on Feb. 7, in Banten, Indonesia
jadi inget waktu kesana
BalasHapuswuih. . cewnya boleh juga tuh gan. .
BalasHapussejuk dan segar yah nampaknya..