Southwest of Kunming in Yunnan
A place in south west of Kunming, capital city of Yunnan Province. Because of remoteness and lack of infra structure and lodging etc. This place is not listed in the tourist map of China.
The red land of the eastern river is a place where one almost can not find in China's tourist maps.
Even if there is, it has only a few words to introduce it.
It is located in the southwestern part KUNMING, 2600 ft. above sea level, a remote area. Because of its lack of infrastructure, transportation problem, inadequafe lodging facilities.
Even the people living there are not so aware or familiar with its existing beauty.
But for those who have seen the pictures of the Red Land, no one can resist being attracted to its beatiful scenery! Just like a painting of great magnificent landscape.
Because the soil contains such components oxidized Iron, etc kind of metallic mineralsafter a long period of oxidation, gradually added and mixed in the soil that produced this extra ordinary reddish brown soil.
Here in this place, mountains and hills, every inch of land are cultivated and planted to the maximum by the inhabitants, consequently causing unwanted damage to the place...erosion.
Just like Taiwan, how long could this magnificent phenomenon exist? We don't know that's why there is an advocacy of returning to forestry.
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23 Mei 2011
Lexiaguo, An Amazing Place in China
Dongchuan Red Land represents Yunnan mountain valley most attractive colors.
Excursion is the soul's relaxation and banquet.
Multicolor Waves... five, six kinds of color mountains look like multicolor waves, so magnificent.
Crops on the Red Land such as ; potatoes, oats, corn, oil flower, vegetables, different color crops so arranged, when looking from afat it seems like God painted them on a cloth so full of gorgeous color.
Each family was distributed with different size and shape of land, each has its own preference kinds of crops. That caused and produced this beautiful pieces of colors. During harvest time, the soil is shoveled up and makes this unusually red color.
I like the countryside farm's scenery
In September, white color oil flowers in bloom on the whole mountain, it is a pity they covered up the beautiful red color. The best time for sightseeing tour is middle of November.
The whole mountain is like covering with a beautiful colored cloth. How I wish to lie down enjoying the breeze and looking at the ever-changing clouds in the sky.
Early in the morning, donkey-ridden cart full of harvest transporting to the town, while a few of the children walking toward direction to school.
A melody kind of view.
Different seasons, different time, different sunlight, produce different kind of colors.
Just like a mixing colors plate so bright and aplendidi.
"Sunset is so beautiful but it is almost dark" The most dazzling color is before the sun sets.
Rare opportunity to see the burning clouds, I set up my camera and got it.
Bad temper donkey didi not want to work with the bull, such uncoordinated working force., This is the first time I saw such kind of farming method and wondered why.
The poorer farmer used horse to take the place of donkey, later I knew that since different kinds of animals had different temperaments, they were used together to control each other. If one of them refused to move, the other one would force it.
Good kid helping to harvest vegetables to bring home before sunset.
A town in Lexiaguo
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