Cecilia Paredes is a Peruvian artist whose latest exhibition tells a story of a human body, with the accent on female body, and its place and value in the world we’re living in. She uses her own body as a medium, covering it in paint or wrapping it up in fabric to blend in the background of her photographs. Sometimes she does such a good job it’s hard to recognize a human figure in the picture at the first glance. Cecilia uses colorful, mostly floral patterns, and camouflages her body in various poses with only her feet or hair giving her away.
The message she’s trying to send is that human body is a sacred, not a profane object, and something that should be regarded as miraculous and admired in the era of technological madness. By becoming one with the background, symbolizing nature, Cecilia implores us to reconnect with nature and become one with it, like we were in the ancient times.

BalasHapusbuaaaaaaagus gus gus
shotoshop kah????
BalasHapusenak sih di BP/body painting apalagi gratis ky saat lg ngerjain proyek mall n kost digrogol krn ada teman kostku yg ganteng yg bisa BP n sekali mencoba aku susi spv proyek senior jd ketagihan difoto telanjang bulat saat BP n paling enak saat kuas lukis menyentuh vagina mulusku yg kagak pernah berjembi krn susi selalu jd multi orgasme n air mani cewe+air seni teruskeluar dr vagina susi shg susi terpaksa duduk diatas pampers saat di BP n hasilnya saat difoto vaginaku+klitorisnya yg panjang selalu kelihatan krn cat disekitar vagina luntur oleh air seniku yg keluar saat multi orgasme
BalasHapusn kini susi suka mandangi foto2 n dvd bugil susi saat di body painting yg sgt sexy krn saat bertelanjang bulat susi masih mengenakan jilbab krn sehari2nya klo keluar rumah susi selalu berjilbab tp dilingkungan sendiri dirumah/kost yg familiar susi suka bertelanjang bulat diluar kamar