22 Oktober 2011

Inilah Penemu Kapsul Penyelamat Tsunami dari Jepang

Japanese Rescue Capsule (3 Photos)

After the devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan in March this year, Shoji Tanaka, inventor and CEO of Cosmo Power, has designed an individual escape pod, which can save the life of a person in case of flooding.
Japanese Rescue Capsule (3 Photos)

In addition to the hatch, the capsule has a small window and two holes - for water drainageand ventilation. "The Ark" was created from a composite plastic that is lighter and stronger than steel. The diameter of one-capsule - 1.2 m. The bright yellow color was chosen in order to attract the attention of rescuers in the event of an emergency.

Japanese Rescue Capsule (3 Photos)

Single capsule standard costs 288 000 yen ($ 3,800) per capsule Superior will have to pay 345 000 yen ($ 4,500). The representative of Cosmo Power said that they have already received advance orders for 700 with four "arks for the whole family", mainly from the fishermen and coastal residents.

2 komentar:

  1. mahal banged...

    tapi manfaat yg besar...

    pertamax gan

  2. keduaxxxx....

    konsepnya dari perahu nabi nuh.


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